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Matches Must Meet According to Islam, Wisdom of the Love Story of Prophet Yusuf Alaihisalam!

This term may be familiar to all of us. Because there are many who often discuss it, especially for young people who are ready to get married. When we look out there, very many people who love each other and have long established a special relationship (read: dating), in the end must fail and separate. Even though previously he had pledged to pledge loyalty, mutual trust to build a commitment. Even parents have been introduced to each other.

However, on the other hand there are also many couples who at first don't know each other, then God unites them in a sacred bond namely marriage. Well, that's what they called a match.

Matchmaking will not go where, if indeed it is not any mate and however we try it God must have a more beautiful way to not unite it. Vice versa, if indeed it has been matched so far as far as the distance does not even know, God always has the perfect way to be able to bring it together.

Mate will not go anywhere, there is an interesting story that we can take himah as enshrined in the Qur'an from the story of Prophet Yusuf Alaihisalam. In this article, we will try to review a soul mate that is sure to meet with a lesson from one of the stories of the life of Nabiyullah Yusuf Alaihisalam, especially in his love life.

When Obedience to God is the Main Platform, Matches Must Meet

"And the woman (zulaikha) who lived in her house tempted Joseph to bow (to him) and he closed the doors, saying 'Come here,' Joseph said, 'I take refuge in Allah, truly my master has treated me well, Surely the wrongdoers will not be lucky. "(QS: Yusuf: 30)

History says that Prophet Yusuf Alaihisalam was a young man who had a very handsome face. Even with Allah's permission, his good looks fascinated many women. One of them is the wife of her own employer named Zulaikha who was very fascinated by the good looks of Prophet Yusuf Peace be upon him.

The scholars of interpreters say that the age of the Prophet Yusuf peace be upon him while still living in the palace ranged from 20 to 25 years. If we look at his age, we can imagine how the lust of a young man at that age. When he was at the age of high lust, Prophet Yusuf Alaihisalam refused.

Even though he won this time in a foreign country where he was only a slave who was traded. Where the status of these slaves was the lowest and vulnerable strata to commit crimes in the community at that time.

An Imam Ibn Taymiyyah said that, "Foreigners are difficult to avoid doing evil deeds", but apparently it is not for Nabiyullah Yusuf Alaihisalam, He Alaihisalam can reject the invitation of someone who is very beautiful Zulaikha even though there is nobody in the palace besides them both. Not only that, all the doors of the palace door were closed by Zulaikha. It was amazing, he was able to prevent himself from accepting immoral invitations by a Zulaikha who at that time was very attractive again.

At that time the Prophet Yusuf Alaihisalam said "I took refuge in Allah", and Allah has guarded himself from committing disobedience, he peacefully escaped the test of faith.

Love is about choice, and Prophet Yusuf Alaihisalam prefers obedience to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, beliaua alaihisalam accepts the risk of his rejection of his employer's invitation. Then in short, Prophet Yusuf aihisalam was finally locked up in prison.

Mate Must Meet, God Always Has a Beautiful Way to Meet It

Time passed, now was the time for Prophet Yusuf Peace be upon him to be free from confinement in the palace prison. There are many interesting stories that began in the prison of Prophet Yusuf alaihisalam, ranging from interpreting dreams that cannot be interpreted by the people of the king's trust, then being trusted as a palace treasurer until finally becoming the king to replace Zulaikha's husband after his death.

This is what is called a soul mate to meet. Prophet Yusuf Alaihisalam was finally reunited with Zulaikha this time to get married. The story of the annihilation is indeed not contained in the Holy Qur'an, including the name Zulaikha, but through scholars who interpret it we can find out. One of them is Imam Tabari who has narrated from Muhammad bin Ishaq writing a romantic dialogue between the Prophet Yusuf alaihisalam and Zulaikha when they were married.

"Isn't this opportunity better than our first meeting when you were eager to vent your desires."

Then Zulaikha answered with diplomatic and romantic answers,

"O most trusted person, do not corner me with your words, be honest and admit when we meet first that in your eyes I will look beautiful and charming, live well with a royal title and everything I have, but at that time I was so tormented because my husband do not want to touch any woman is no exception to me, then I will wholeheartedly acknowledge the gift of God given to your good looks and strength. "

Finally Prophet Yusuf Alaihisalam found that Ra'il (Zulaikha) was still a virgin. Because since marriage, Zulaikha has never been treated by the king of Al-Aziz. The Prophet Yusuf and Zulaikha were finally blessed with two sons named Afra'im (Ephraim) and Misya (Manasseh).

A soul mate will meet, if indeed Allah is destined to be married, be assured that someday, sooner or later Allah will meet through his qodar. This understanding is very important for us, especially for those who are still alone and are in the waiting period.

We can witness for ourselves how many men and women who have sacrificed obedience to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, only because of love of beings, fear of losing their soul mate, afraid that their soul mate will be taken by people and other reasons.

But from the story of Prophet Yusuf Alaihisalam has taught us all how we should love. There is no prohibition against us to love humans of the opposite sex, but we must remember that our love for humans must not tarnish our love and obedience to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Always make God the first and foremost, God willing, we will meet happily with the match that God meets with us.


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