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Husband Is Difficult To Pray? This is the Solution of the Qur'an and the Sunnah

Because prayer is the practice that was first taken away on the Day of Judgment. There is no doubt that living together with a husband who does not pray is a disaster in which mishaps are not permissible.

QUESTION: "Ustadz, I want to ask how to respond to a husband who is lazy to pray, while his wife is a Muslim woman who obeys and how her position as a wife for years is waiting but there is no change."

There is no doubt that living together with a husband who does not pray is a disaster where mishaps are not permissible, especially since you have been patient for a long time. Prayer is indeed a serious matter except for those who are solemn. Prayer is a direct relationship between a servant and his Rabb. Shalat is the first charity to be taken away.

Prayer is a scale by which we can know one's religion and kindness. Whoever keeps it, then he has the light, proof and salvation on the Day of Judgment. And whoever does not take care of him he has no light, proof and salvation on the Day of Judgment, and will be gathered together with Pharaoh, Haman, Qorun and Ubay ibn Khalaf.

Prayer is an obligation that will not fall from a human while he breathes and has memories, the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said to‘ Imran ibn Husain radhiallahu ‘anhu:

"Pray in a standing condition, if you are not able, then by sitting, if you cannot, then (lying) on ​​the stomach." (Al-Bukhari, 1006)

Some things that can help improve a husband who is lazy to pray. Among these are the following:

1. Relying on Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala
Submitting to Him for guidance to the man, and the truth is we pray for someone at night, and preach it at noon, according to our level of sincerity and honesty, then kindness and obedience will come.

2. Taking a good entrance advises him
Present beautiful words, choose the right times, and list the goodness and good qualities. And try to help him prepare his confidence by saying, for example:

"Alhamdulillah, you are a good person, you are responsible, and humans call you kindness, and it will be great if you consistently pray five times a day. For truly I am glad to see my husband come out like another man with his family to the houses of God. "

3. Ask for Helpful Relatives
Encourage the righteous people from your mahram to visit him and invite him to pray without him feeling that this is an agreement between you. And prefer prayer times in pilgrimage until he can go to the mosque with them.

4. Give tapes, books, or videos about Islam
Buy tapes, and small books that explain the laws of people who leave prayer, and the punishment of those who underestimate the implementation of prayer in time, and put the tapes and small books on the place he usually reaches with his hands.

5. Inviting prayers in a polite manner
Ambitious so that he is consistent in doing the five daily prayers for the first time, then preaches him to establish it with his specialties, rukuknya and tumakninah. And such things will not happen unless they regularly pray. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has praised those who are solemn in their prayers by saying:

"And those who care for their worship." (Q. Al-Mukminun: 9)

Due to routine and keeping prayers will deliver to solemnity, and prayer will not be useful unless solemn.

6. Make meals after prayer times

7. Explain the danger of leaving prayer on time
Mush'ab ibn Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqash radhiallahu ‘anhu once said to his father while reading the words of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala:

"Then the accident is for those who pray, (ie) those who are negligent from their prayers," (Surat al-Maun: 5)

He says,

"O my father, are they people who do not pray?" Sa'd said: "No, if they leave prayer, then they have been disbelievers, but they are the ones who end (delay) it from the time. "(Hr Al-Bazzar 1145, and Thabarani in Al-Aushath 2276)

8. Give a warning
Use influential tools and weapons possessed by a woman to force her to regularly perform prayers, such as refusing to eat with her, sitting with her, and refusing to sleep in bed, and there is no prohibition to convey divorce if she does not keep praying

This prayer case is not a small matter but it is very important, concerned if you see your husband easily neglecting prayer.

This is the case of heaven and hell, and this is the case of God not willing to help us and our children, always neglecting prayer. Naudzubillahi mindzalik, may Allah facilitate the journey of our lives to His Hannah.


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