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17 Benefits of Water When breaking fast

Water is pure water that is obtained because of sustenance from God and becomes something very valuable, humans and all creatures will not be able to live without water, humans may be able to spend time without eating but if you spend time without drinking, humans will not be able to survive life, more than 90% of the organs of living things need water.

Therefore, water is always discussed to be the best thing to release thirst and restore energy when breaking the fast in addition to eating sweet foods such as dates, water has an extraordinary content for anything including breaking fast, as follows, 17 benefits of water when breaking the fast.

1. Turning on Energy in Total

"And from water we make everything that lives. So why don't they also believe? "(Qur'an, 21:30). Each break the fast, for example there is no other food or drink, only with water will be able to restore the energy which during the day is reduced, water becomes the best choice and becomes the most nutritious and most beneficial substance for all organs as explained in verse Qur'an about water.

The water that is drunk when breaking the fast and drunk before meals is able to enter the organs of the body and fill the cells in it so that all organs feel fresh and the energy that has been lost again again, water is much better than other water which has certain contents such as water cold or soda-containing water and other ingredients, you should always prioritize water as the main drink ingredient when breaking fast.

2. Health of the Organs

Rasulullah SAW said, "Drink with 3 gulps" (HR. Tirmidzi). Water will make healthy organs of the human body when drunk when breaking fast compared to other drinks that may be different from the body such as ice or soda, of course the benefits will be better if taken in accordance with the advice of the Prophet, namely in one glass three times gulp, indirectly drink immediately because if taken immediately it will affect the work of the kidneys and stomach as the priority of drinking while sitting.

3. Promotes metabolism

The body's metabolism will be smooth when fasting starts with water, especially when taken with enough portions of 8 glasses a day and begins with praising Allah's asthma according to the healthy tips of the Prophet's style. "Verily Allah is pleased with a servant who enjoys food, then praises Allah afterward or sips a drink, then praises Allah afterward". (Muslim)

4. Eliminate Tiredness

Water can eliminate fatigue and thirst in the body especially during a day of fasting because water is able to quickly enter into the organs of the human body and fill cells in it with energy and in accordance with the healthy lifestyle of the Prophet Muhammad. "And we sent down from the sky a very clean water, so that we might bring to life the water (land) that died" (Surat al-Furqon: 48-50).

5. Clear the Mind

Good water is drunk under normal conditions, which is not in cold conditions because of the refrigerator cupboards and not too hot, normal white air is able to refresh and clear the mind because it is a neutralizing toxin throughout the body that makes the soul calm in Islam. Zaadul Ma’aad, "Water that is too hot or too cold is both destructive."

6. Prevent Pain

Water is good to drink in iftar and is able to prevent various diseases because white ait has a pure content, does not have a mixture or something harmful to the body. Rasulullah saw. said, "Zamzam five shuriba lahu", which means "Water zamzam will carry out the message and intention to drink it".

7. Prevent Obesity

Water consumed before eating at iftar will help prevent obesity because it is able to hold your appetite and must drink well using your right hand. "And if you want to drink, you should drink with your right hand. Surely the devil eats with his left hand and drinks with his left hand. "(Narrated by Muslim).

8. Advice from the Prophet

"Don't drink while standing. Whoever forgets so that he drinks while standing, then let him try to spit it out. "(Narrated by Ahmad no. 8135). It is recommended to drink water while sitting when breaking fast because it is in accordance with the conditions of the organs and can prevent choking and various other diseases.

9. Has Pure Content

"Indeed the Prophet sallalla‘ alaihi wa sallam forbade to breathe or blow a container of drinking water. "(Narrated by Turmudzi no. 1888 and Abu Dawud no. 3728, this hadith is shared by Al-Albani). We recommend that you always drink pure, clean water, that is water from clean wells or other clean sources and in ripe condition.

10. Good For Throat

"It is fresher, tastier and more delicious." Anas said, "Therefore when I drink, I breathe three times." (Narrated by Bukhari no. 45631 and Muslim no. 2028). Water will refresh the throat and soothe it because it is made from pure and does not contain preservatives or other artificial mixtures.

11. Eliminate dizziness

Dizziness sometimes occurs due to lack of fluids or lack of water when dawn, water will neutralize and eliminate dizziness. [QS An-Nur: 43] "You do not see that Allah marches clouds, then gathers between (the parts), then makes them overlap, then you see rain coming out of the cracks and Allah (also) decreases (granules granules of ice from the sky ".

Besides being dizzy when the month of Ramadan can occur due to many idling and not doing any activities so that the organs and blood circulation will not run smoothly when waking from sleep the head will be dizzy and other risks, the best is to keep doing healthy activities and drink water.

12. Strengthens the Body

Water will nourish and strengthen the body as the word of God because water is pure and God creates the best ingredients for the health of the human body. [QS. Al-Anfal: 11] "Remember, Allah sent down to you rain from heaven to purify you with that rain and remove from you the disturbances of shaitan and to strengthen your heart and to strengthen it with the soles of your feet".

13. Eliminating Disease

Water can eliminate disease when consumed with the right portion and the way it is in accordance with the portion and drink by using adab adab according to Islamic Shari'a. [QS. An-Nahl: 65] "And Allah sent down from the sky water (rain) and with the water He brought the earth to life after his death. Indeed, in that there are truly signs of the greatness of God for those who hear the lesson. "

14. Heart Health

The heart includes organs that can be healthy because water, water can neutralize toxins in the blood and reduce the work of the heart. [Surah Al-Mukminun: 18] "And We sent down water from heaven according to a measure; then We made the water settle on the earth, and indeed We truly had the power to eliminate it ".

15. Sleep well

[QS. Al-Mursalat: 27] "and We made him high mountains, and We gave you drink with fresh water". By drinking water when breaking your fast, your body will be fit and have the effect of giving you a good night's sleep so that the next morning you can do activities smoothly and suhour freshly.

16. Neutralizing Poison

White water is capable of being a poison neutralizer and is able to eliminate toxins by bringing toxins out of the body through sweat or urine, especially if you drink it when breaking fast before eating, your body will feel healthy and have smooth circulation and have a clean body throughout the organs .

[QS. Fathir: 12] "And there is not (between) two seas; this one is fresh, fresh, delicious to drink and the other is salty again bitter. And from each of those seas you can eat fresh meat and you can take out jewelry that you can wear, and on each of them you see ships sailing across the sea so that you can seek His gift and that you will be grateful ".

17. Balancing Body Nutrition

[QS. Al-Mulk: 4] "Who has created seven heavens in layers. You do not look at the Merciful creation of something that is not balanced. Then look again and again, do you see something that is not balanced.

Water will make the body balanced because with water when breaking fast the nutrients that enter can be absorbed properly and the nutrition is directed at the organs that are needed so that all organs have good quality and are prevented from any damage or any dangerous diseases.

Also read about the benefits of exercise during fasting and sunnah when breaking the fast. Thus this article, hopefully it is easy for you to understand it can become an Islamic discourse that is useful for you, don't forget to always take the time to read our article so that you always get useful insights. Thanks for reading. Warm greetings from the author.


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