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Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media

Congenital disease or in medical terms is also called chronic suppurative otitis media is a chronic infectious disease in the middle ear. The disease is also marked with perforated eardrum of the sufferer. This disease is not caused by food and drink factors.
So the sufferer has no special restriction for their food. But when the disease is relapse then you should avoid cold foods and make allergies for disease does not get worse. The most common symptom is the discharge of fluid-like / thick smelling from the inside of the ear. It is usually preceded by flu or colds and other upper respiratory infections. The most common cause is the entry of fluid / secretions from the nose to the middle ear when the flu / flu occur. The fluid enters through the nasal-ear-throat lobe called tuba eustachius and is trapped in the middle ear causing infection in the middle ear. If the infection gets worse without treatment then the patient will complain of illness and can cause rupture of the eardrum due to the infection. If the eardrum ruptures then the liquid will come out through the ear. The problem is a ruptured eardrum is difficult to cover / recover completely. In a small rupture and a good treatment without the occurrence of a kumatan then the eardrum can close perfectly. Congestive treatment is by administering oral antibiotics and drops so that the ear canal is dry. While this healing process is very preventing role for healing and repair of the eardrum.


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