according to health expert Stella Metsovas, it's good we actually consume warm water in the morning because it can provide healthy benefits such as the following.
Prevent premature aging.
Drinking warm water can help the body get rid of the various toxins that accumulate. Not only that, warm water can also improve the cells in the body that greatly affect the elasticity of our skin. This certainly has a major effect on skin health.
Lose weight.
By drinking warm water, the body's metabolic system increases significantly and affects the body in burning more calories. If we regularly drink warm water mixed with lemon every morning, then the body's ability to break adipose tissue or fat tissue increases as well as make us able to resist the desire to eat with excessive.
Nourish the digestive tract.
Drinking warm water in the morning will help the digestive system become more healthy and smooth.
Improve blood circulation.
Drinking a glass of warm water in the morning can help reduce the accumulation of deposits in the nervous system, loosen muscles, and blood circulation in the body.
Overcoming stomach cramps for women who are menstruating.
For women who are experiencing abdominal cramps during menstruation, immediately drink warm water to improve blood circulation in capillary blood vessels as well as make the body muscles become more relaxed.
"Ketika Abdullah bin Ubay meninggal dunia. anak laki-lakinya -yaitu Abdulah bin Abdullah- datang kepada Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam seraya memohon kepada beIiau agar sudi memberikan baju beliau kepada Abdullah untuk kain kafan ayahnya, Abdullah bin Ubay bin Salul. Lalu Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam memberikan bajunya kepada Abdullah. setelah itu, Abdullah juga memohon Rasulullah agar beliau berkenan menshalati jenazah ayahnya. Kemudian Rasulullah pun bersiap-siap untuk menshalati jenazah Abdullah bin Ubay, hingga akhirnya Umar berdiri dan menarik baju Rasulullah seraya berkata, "Ya Rasulullah, apakah engkau akan menshalati jenazah Abdullah bin Ubay sedangkan Allah telah melarang untuk menshalatinya?" Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam menjawab: "Sesungguhnya Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala telah memberikan pilihan kepadaku." Lalu beliau membacakan ayat yang berbunyi; "Kamu memohonkan ampun bagi orang-orang mu...
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