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Danger of excessive jealousy

Danger of excessive jealousy

Hello Doc
The name of this syndrome is adapted from one of Shakespeare's famous figures, Othello, a warrior who was burned jealously blind after being influenced and manipulated by his fellow soldiers about his wife's disloyalty. In the end, Othello killed his own wife, even though his wife did not do the alleged thing at all.

Othello's syndrome belongs to a delusion-related psychiatric disorder. Delusion occurs when the brain senses or processes something that is not really happening. That is, a delusional person can not distinguish between reality and imagination, so that he believes and behaves according to what he believes (which is contrary to reality). Someone who has Othello's syndrome is very confident that his partner is having an affair so that he constantly harboring excessive and unnatural jealousy.

They will also continue to try to justify or prove that their partner is unfaithful. An example is always check the gallery hape pair, check sms and chat, answer every incoming call, Facebook and email kepo, always ask the location and what he did every 5 minutes, until quietly followed the couple wherever he went ( stalking) - to get evidence that his partner is unfaithful, although there is not really any odd change in his partner.

It is not impossible that the tendency to burn jealously blindly due to Othello syndrome is then led to violence or crime, such as suicide or murder, either to his partner or other parties that are considered disturbing relationship with the couple.


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